Unlimited height dialog overlay exclusive to Facebook

It seems like a crucial matter that needs attention. My dialog has an overlay with specific width settings as shown below:

    width: 518px !important;

The height of the overlay will vary based on the page size controlled by JavaScript (two possible sizes)

        if (!placeHolderVisibility) {

        } else {


Below are the CSS rules for overlaySmall and overlayLarge:

    height: 985px !important;

    height: 1167px !important;

This issue is only present on certain pages with dialog boxes.

    height: 413px !important;
    width: 510px !important;

Inspecting the overlay in firebug reveals that the !important declaration is missing from the css, causing difficulty in obtaining the initial height due to rapid expansion

Edit I suspect it might be related to Facebook's auto resize feature

FB.init({ appId: appid, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true });
        FB.Canvas.setAutoResize(); //<-- Could this be the cause??

Any recommendations or suggestions?

Answer №1

Requested by the original poster, here is a personalized response:

Have you considered avoiding the use of !important? There are typically better solutions available.

You might want to try using a more specific CSS selector instead of relying on jQuery's, or keep the same selector but ensure that your CSS is placed after jQuery's in the code. The use of !important can disrupt the natural flow of CSS hierarchy and make maintenance more challenging (as you've likely noticed).

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