Unique design Radio Button Inputs with Custom CSS Styling and Enhanced Accessibility for Voice Controls

On my website, I have implemented custom radio buttons using this model:

The custom radio buttons are working well with various browsers and are accessible with Jaws.

However, I encountered an issue when trying to use Voice Over as the radio button cannot be checked. Is there a jQuery event that can help solve this problem?

Best regards, Boby

Answer №1

One way to make elements clickable is by using the onclick event:

<p onclick="test" id="css">This text can be clicked</p>

When this element is clicked, it will trigger a javascript function called "test" and apply any CSS formatting you have specified for the "css" id. By utilizing the onclick attribute, you have the flexibility to customize and perform various actions with a single function.

<img src="https://www.google.nl/images/nav_logo195.png" onclick="search" id="css">

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