Understanding the integration of sass with webpack in an Angular 4 project

Is it possible to reference a sass file instead of a css file directly in the index.html?

If so, how does webpack compile the sass into a css file? Additionally, what is the most effective way to bundle the sass file when building the application?

The versions I am utilizing are as follows:

webpack(3.5.5), angular/cli(1.4.1) and angular4

My directory structure is structured like this,

├--- assets
|    ├--- sass
|    |    ├--- common.scss
|    |    ├--- base.scss
|    |    ├--- custom.scss
|    ├--- css
|         ├--- common.css
|         ├--- base.css
|         ├--- custom.css
├--- index.html
├--- .angular-cli.json

Answer №1

Firstly, it's important to note that browsers do not recognize scss or less directly. Therefore, you need to compile and convert them into CSS before running in your browser.

If you are working with Angular CLI, there is a simple way to achieve this without the need for additional configuration.

Setting up a new CLI project:

When generating your project, you can specify using SCSS instead of CSS by passing a flag to the CLI command.

ng new projectname --style scss

For an existing project:

If you already have an Angular CLI project, you can edit the .angular-cli.json file to switch from CSS to SCSS.

Ensure your styles are in SCSS format:

  "styles": [

Set the default style extension to SCSS:

  "defaults": {
    "styleExt": "scss",
    "component": {}

For including external JavaScript libraries, use a scripts block and add your scripts there. They will be automatically included in your build process.

  "scripts": [

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