Unbinding or undoing an 'onclick' event when another 'onclick' event is triggered

I am facing an issue where clicking on elements with 'onclick' functions works as expected, but when I click on a different element with another 'onclick' function, the first one remains active. What I actually want is for the previous function to be reversed or disabled when a new function is called.

These h1 tags are acting as navigation items, and upon clicking them, their styles change accordingly.

Below is the code snippet:

function aboutActive() {
    var about = document.querySelector('.about');


function contactActive() {
    var contact = document.querySelector('.contact');


function discoverActive() {
    var discover = document.querySelector('.discover');


function signUpActive() {
    var signUp = document.querySelector('.sign-up');

 .about {
     position: absolute;
     left: 70.8%;
     top: 5%;
     transition: transform 0.8s ease-in;
     transition: 0.8s ease-in;
 .contact {
     position: absolute;
     left: 56%;
     top: 24%;
     transition: transform 0.8s ease-in;
     transition: 0.8s ease-in;
 .discover {
     position: absolute;
     left: 52.7%;
     top: 43%;
     transition: transform 0.8s ease-in;
     transition: 0.8s ease-in;
 .sign-up {
     width: 100%;
     position: absolute;
     left: 62.6%;
     top: 63%;
     transition: transform 0.8s ease-in;
     transition: 0.8s ease-in;
/* Styles changed by JS */
 .about-active {
     transform: translateX(-30%);
     color: #ffffff;
 .contact-active {
     transform: translateX(-22%);
     color: #ffffff;
 .discover-active {
     transform: translateX(-24%);
     color: #ffffff;
 .signUp-active {
     transform: translateX(-14.2%);
     color: #ffffff;
<h1 class="about" onmouseover=cursorEnlargeLarge() onmouseout=cursorNormal() onclick="aboutActive()">ABOUT</h1>
<h1 class="contact" onmouseover=cursorEnlargeLarge() onmouseout=cursorNormal() onclick="contactActive()">CONTACT</h1>
<h1 class="discover" onmouseover=cursorEnlargeLarge() onmouseout=cursorNormal() onclick="discoverActive()">DISCOVER</h1>
<h1 class="sign-up" onmouseover=cursorEnlargeLarge() onmouseout=cursorNormal() onclick="signUpActive()">SIGN UP</h1>

These functions toggle through the styles when clicked on. My concern is that the previously activated function does not deactivate automatically when a new function is triggered. How can I modify it so that any previous functions get reversed or reset?

Answer №1

function removeClasses(ele){
    let cl = ele.classList;
    ele.classList.remove(cl[cl.length - 1], cl[cl.length - 2]);

function activateAbout() {
    let about = document.querySelector('.about');
    let current = document.querySelector(".current");
    if(current) removeClasses(current);

function activateContact() {
    let contact = document.querySelector('.contact');
    let current = document.querySelector(".current");
    if(current) removeClasses(current);

This code adds the 'current' class to an active element.

If the 'current' class already exists, it removes the last two classes of the element with the 'current' class.

It may not be perfect, but it gets the job done.

(This is my first answer on Stack Overflow, so please go easy on me)

Answer №2

As per my understanding, your requirement is to deactivate the function previously clicked when you click on another function.

 var home = document.querySelector('.home');
 var services = document.querySelector('.services');

function homeActive() {
    home.classList.toggle('home-active', true);

function servicesActive() {
home.classList.toggle('home-active', false);


Answer №3

Incorporate a Reset feature prior to clicking on any H1 element, which will reset all previously clicked h1 tags.

function aboutActive() {
  var about = document.querySelector('.about');


function contactActive() {
  var contact = document.querySelector('.contact');


function discoverActive() {
  var discover = document.querySelector('.discover');


function signUpActive() {
  var signUp = document.querySelector('.sign-up');


function resetAll() {
  var getheading = document.getElementsByTagName("H1");
  [].forEach.call(getheading, function(el) {
    var classes = el.className.split(" ").filter(c => !c.endsWith("-active"));
    el.className = classes.join(" ").trim();

.about-active {
  transform: translateX(-30%);
  color: #ffffff;

.contact-active {
  transform: translateX(-22%);
  color: #ffffff;

.discover-active {
  transform: translateX(-24%);
  color: #ffffff;

.signUp-active {
  transform: translateX(-14.2%);
  color: #ffffff;
<h1 class="about" onclick="aboutActive()">ABOUT</h1>
<h1 class="contact" onclick="contactActive()">CONTACT</h1>
<h1 class="discover" onclick="discoverActive()">DISCOVER</h1>
<h1 class="sign-up" onclick="signUpActive()">SIGN UP</h1>

Answer №4

So my solution was to simply eliminate the active class when I execute the function:

function aboutActive() {
var about = document.querySelector('.about');
var contact = document.querySelector('.contact');
var discover = document.querySelector('.discover');
var signUp = document.querySelector('.sign-up');



I have to repeat this process for every h1 element which may not be the most efficient way, but it gets the job done.

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