Eliminating the border of a table that is contained within a cell

I am facing an issue with a nested table where I need to remove the borders from specific cells (around A and B). Here is the code snippet:

    .withBorders tr td{
       border: 1px solid black !important ;
    .withBorders table.withoutBorders tr td {

    <table class="withBorders">
          <table class="withoutBorders">

Despite trying various CSS changes for the child table, I am unable to override the parent table's properties. Any advice on how to solve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Please note that modifications cannot be made to the parent table's CSS selector.

Answer №1

    .withBorders tr td{
       border: 1px solid black;
    .withBorders tr td table tr td {
    <table class="withBorders">
          <table class="withoutBorders">

  1. repeat what you typed, don't change your typing like this
.withBorders table.withoutBorders tr td {
  1. avaoid !important in your css. it's not good.

Answer №2

If you want to implement styling with borders using the code below:

.withBorders tr td{
   border: 1px solid black;
.withBorders table.withoutBorders tr td {
<table class="withBorders">
      <table class="withoutBorders">

The usage of "!important" indicates that a style with higher priority will be chosen in case of conflict between two styles.

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