Unable to get Bootstrap IMG-RESPONSIVE to function properly in Firefox and IE within the navbar

I recently encountered an issue with the Bootstrap IMG-RESPONSIVE class not functioning properly in the navigation bar on Firefox and IE. Oddly enough, it was working perfectly just a few days ago until I made some unknown changes, causing it to only work on Google Chrome now.

For reference, here is the link to the page where the issue is occurring:

Apologies for not providing the code directly in this message. I understand the purpose of this site now and assure you that I will not make the same mistake again. Thank you!

Answer №1

Make a simple tweak to the current .img-responsive class in your myextras.css file. Just add this line: .img-responsive {width: 100%;}. This will override the default setting of max-width: 100% and give you more control over the image size.

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