Unable to adjust the width of a datatable using the jQuery Datatable plugin version 10.1

I am facing a challenge with multiple datatables using the jQuery plugin on my page. Some of the datatables fit perfectly within the page width, while others extend beyond the page boundaries. Despite trying various methods, including setting styles in HTML and using the following function within datatables:

fnInitComplete : function() {

I have been unsuccessful in properly adjusting the datatable widths and am unsure of how to proceed.

Answer №1

When dealing with wide table columns that exceed the page width, consider using the responsive plugin provided by Datatables as a solution. An example can be found here.

If your table columns comfortably fit within the page width, they will adjust automatically. To ensure this functionality works seamlessly, if you are using Bootstrap, simply add the appropriate class to the table tag.

<table class="table">

You can also utilize CSS to set a maximum width of 100%, ensuring your tables display properly on various screen sizes.

Answer №2

To ensure the table fills the entire width, simply set the table width to 100%

<table width="100%">

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