Unable to adjust SVG fill color

I'm having trouble changing the fill color of an SVG when the user hovers over it. Can someone help me figure out why my code isn't working?

svg:hover {
  fill: blue;
<svg width="0" height="0" class="hidden">
  <symbol viewBox="0 0 142 142" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="twitter">
    <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
      <path d="M71.5 0C115.23 0 142 36.15 142 71.217c0 35.066-26.77 69.484-70.5 70.783C27.77 143.299 0 106.629 0 71S27.77 0 71.5 0z" fill="#AEB2B4"></path>
      <path d="M109 47.34a31.017 31.017 0 0 1-8.956 2.462 15.689 15.689 0 0 0 6.857-8.658A31.142 31.142 0 0 1 97 44.94 15.55 15.55 0 0 0 85.616 40c-8.61 0-15.593 7.01-15.593 15.652 0 1.227.139 2.421.406 3.567-12.958-.652-24.448-6.883-32.14-16.356a15.63 15.63 0 0 0-2.111 7.87 15.667 15.667 0 0 0 6.936 13.028 15.437 15.437 0 0 1-7.062-1.96V62c0 7.584 5.376 13.909 12.508 15.346-1.307.36-2.688.55-4.107.55-1.007 0-1.983-.097-2.934-.28 1.984 6.218 7.74 10.743 14.565 10.87a31.209 31.209 0 0 1-19.366 6.7c-1.256 0-2.5-.073-3.718-.219A43.983 43.983 0 0 0 56.9 102c28.68 0 44.364-23.85 44.364-44.535 0-.678-.015-1.354-.046-2.024A31.687 31.687 0 0 0 109 47.34z"
        fill="#FFF" fill-rule="nonzero"></path>

<svg class="icon">
  <use xlink:href="#twitter"></use>

Answer №1

svg:hover {
  fill: blue;

svg {
  fill: #AEB2B4;
<svg width="0" height="0" class="hidden">
  <symbol viewBox="0 0 142 142" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="twitter">
      <path d="M71.5 0C115.23 0 142 36.15 142 71.217c0 35.066-26.77 69.484-70.5 70.783C27.77 143.299 0 106.629 0 71S27.77 0 71.5 0z""></path>
      <path d="M109 47.34a31.017 31.017 0 0 1-8.956 2.462 15.689 15.689 0 0 0 6.857-8.658A31.142 31.142 0 0 1 97 44.94 15.55 15.55 0 0 0 85.616 40c-8.61 0-15.593 7.01-15.593 15.652 0 1.227.139 2.421.406 3.567-12.958-.652-24.448-6.883-32.14-16.356a15.63 15.63 0 0 0-2.111 7.87 15.667 15.667 0 0 0 6.936 13.028 15.437 15.437 0 0 1-7.062-1.96V62c0 7.584 5.376 13.909 12.508 15.346-1.307.36-2.688.55-4.107.55-1.007 0-1.983-.097-2.934-.28 1.984 6.218 7.74 10.743 14.565 10.87a31.209 31.209 0 0 1-19.366 6.7c-1.256 0-2.5-.073-3.718-.219A43.983 43.983 0 0 0 56.9 102c28.68 0 44.364-23.85 44.364-44.535 0-.678-.015-1.354-.046-2.024A31.687 31.687 0 0 0 109 47.34z"
        fill="#FFF" fill-rule="nonzero"></path>

<svg class="icon">
  <use xlink:href="#twitter"></use>

Answer №2

The Importance of CSS Priority

If you set a fill attribute on a <path> element and also on the svg:hover selector in your SVG code, keep in mind that the inline style defined on the path element will take precedence over the one specified on the svg itself.

Answer №3

To effectively highlight the svg element, you should consider matching it with the following CSS:

path:hover {
    fill: blue;

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