Unable to adjust font weight as intended

I'm encountering an issue with getting the lighter font weights to display correctly. Despite having all the necessary font weights installed on my computer, it seems that many fonts do not support the lighter options. What could be causing this inconsistency?

Here is a link to the code snippet.

  font-family: museo sans;
  font-weight: 100;
  font-size: 50px;
  hello I am some text

Answer №1

When the font size is set to 600 or higher, it appears bold, which is what was expected. It is possible that if a thinner version of the font were installed, the lower sizes would also work. Without that option, the browser defaults to normal or bold.

According to the Mozilla CSS Reference:

If the exact weight specified is not available, the following guidelines are used to determine the rendered weight:

  • For weights greater than 500, choose the closest darker weight available (or lighter if none).
  • For weights less than 400, select the closest lighter weight available (or darker if none).
  • For a weight of 400, use 500 if available; otherwise follow the guidelines for weights less than 400.
  • For a weight of 500, use 400 if available; otherwise follow the guidelines for weights less than 400.

This implies that for fonts with only normal and bold options, 100-500 represent normal weights while 600-900 signify bold weights.

Edit: It seems that support for lighter weights is also present.

Answer №2

Make sure to verify the font family you are using. Some fonts might only display a noticeable difference in weight up to 500. For example, the font-family: Rubik, sans-serif; may not exhibit significant changes in weight below 500.

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