Two dynamic divs positioned next to a div with a set size

I am struggling with the layout of placing two fluid divs next to one that has a fixed size. Let me show you a picture to better illustrate my issue:

#menu has a fixed width;

#owl takes up 60% of the wrapper;

#right menu takes up 40% of the wrapper.

For a larger view of the picture, please visit
Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Take a look at this solution. I moved the right section to a new div to ensure it fills up the entire width. The only issue is that the second margin must be set as a percentage if you want to avoid using calc().

#menu {
    position: fixed;
    width: 100px;
    border: 4px solid black;
#inner_container {
    width: 100%;
    padding-left: 110px;
#owl {
    position: relative;
    width: 60%;
    border: 4px solid red;
    display: inline-block;
#right_menu {
    position: relative;
    width: 38%;
    border: 4px solid green;
    display: inline-block;
    margin-left: 2%
#menu, #inner_container, #owl, #right_menu {
    box-sizing: border-box;
<div id="container">
    <div id="menu">menu</div>
    <div id="inner_container">
        <div id="owl">owl</div><!--
     --><div id="right_menu">right menu</div>


Answer №2

When you set the width of #owl to 60%, it will occupy 60% of the parent div #wrapper.

The calculation for width is as follows: #owl width + #right-menu width + #menu width = 60% + 40% + 100px.

It is recommended to group your #owl and #right-menu together in a single div for better organization.

<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="#menu></div> // 100px
    <div class="inner-warpper> // this will take up the remaining width of the #wrapper
        <div id="owl"></div> width set to 60% of the #inner-wrapper
        <div id="right-menu"></div> width set to 40% of the #inner-wrapper

Answer №3

We can make the markup simpler by organizing it as follows:

The HTML code becomes:

<div id="menu"></div>
<div id="owl"></div>
<div id="right"></div>

Please note that in this example, I haven't included a container, but you can add one if necessary.

CSS Styling

  • The max-width: 1024px rule is applied to the body element to center it using margin: 0 auto

  • To ensure proper alignment, vertical-align: top is used in conjunction with display: inline-block. This prevents any misalignment that could occur due to the default baseline vertical-align value.

  • The left and right flexible columns have a width of calc(x% - 60px) to account for 10px spacing and the left menu. In case of older browsers (such as IE 8 and below), a less optimized width is provided, offering graceful degradation for older browser support.

  • Setting min-height: 100% on the columns allows them to expand with content. The 100% height is achieved through height: 100% on html,body

Interactive Example

Pay attention to the use of <!-- --> in the code. This is done to eliminate any gaps that may appear when using inline elements.

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;  
html {
  height: 100%;
body {
  margin: 0;
  height: 100%;
  max-width: 1024px;
  margin: 0 auto;
#menu {
  width: 100px;
  border: 4px solid black;
  min-height: 100%;
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: top;
  margin-right: 10px;
#owl {
  width: 50.5%;
  width: calc(60% - 60px);
  border: 4px solid red;
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: top;
  min-height: 100%;
  margin-right: 10px;
#right {
  width: 30.5%;
  width: calc(40% - 60px);
  border: 4px solid green;
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: top;
  min-height: 100%;
<div id="menu">menu</div><!--
--><div id="owl">owl</div><!--
--><div id="right">right</div>

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