Two CSS files are loaded sequentially

Currently, when my HTML page loads, it first displays the styles from the initial CSS file before switching to the second CSS file. This brief moment where the page appears differently than intended is a bit frustrating. Is there a way to prevent this change in appearance upon loading?

As an illustration, I am using both bootstrap.css and my own custom CSS. The page always shows the styles from bootstrap.css for that split second before transitioning to my custom.css.

Answer №1

One of the reasons why FOUC occurs is due to the sequential loading of stylesheets.

Instead of waiting for the DOM to be fully constructed before loading CSS, it's better to include them in the <head> section to prevent this issue from happening. The order in which you load the CSS doesn't matter as long as it's done early on.

In case you need to place style rules or references in the <body>, ensure that they are positioned above the elements they will affect to minimize any potential display issues.

Answer №2

It's difficult to provide a specific solution without reviewing your code, but if your custom CSS is minimal, you could simply append it to the end of your initial CSS file

Answer №3

If you're looking to achieve this, JQuery is the way to go.

$(function () {
$('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/style_2.css">').appendTo("body");
}, 5000); // Change the time to append the second CSS style after 5 seconds
Hope this explanation helps!

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