Turn off Chrome Autofill feature when placeholders are being used in forms

I am encountering difficulties with Google autofill for fields that have placeholders. Despite attempting various solutions provided at: Disabling Chrome Autofill, none of them seem to work as needed.

The challenge is to create a form with different fields, some mandatory and others optional (rendering Ryan Grush's solution ineffective).

Attempts like setting autocomplete="false" or autocomplete="off", using "ghost" inputs in the form, and trying various methods to clear field values have not yielded the desired result.

While I could use JavaScript to hide labels as suggested by Ryan Grush, this approach conflicts with design specifications and should only be considered as a last resort. I am hopeful that someone has encountered a similar issue with Chrome and placeholders.

Answer №1

Regrettably, the following code is not being recognized by Chrome:

<input autocomplete='off'>

Similarly, this code is also ignored:

<form autocomplete='off'>

I am currently searching for a solution to bypass this issue in Chrome, but other browsers like Firefox and Safari are able to support it without any problems.

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