I'm new to using struts and I'm struggling with applying my CSS styles to link tags.
<html:link action="LoginLink" styleClass="loginButton"/>
My goal is to add a button image to a link that directs to a login page.
I've successfully used this method for submit buttons on forms, but when trying to do the same for links, it doesn't display properly.
<html:submit styleClass="submitButton" value=" " ></html:submit>
I can only see part of my button image at the top when I include text in the link, for example:
<html:link action="LoginLink" styleClass="loginButton" >Some text here</html:link>
Is there an alternative tag I can use or a way to set the height and width (in pixels) of the link tag so the button displays correctly?
Here is the CSS for the loginButton:
.loginButton {
height: 59px;
width: 138px;
}.loginButton:hover {
}.loginButton:active {