Trying to customize the appearance of vaadin-date-picker's text input

My goal is to make the input text turn red when the date picker is within an element with the class 'has-Error'.

Below is an example of what I tried on my index.html page, but unfortunately it didn't work:

<style is="custom-style">
        :root {
            --primary-color: #1ab394;
            --light-primary-color: var(--paper-teal-100);
        html {
            .has-error {
                 --paper-input-container-label: { color: red }

            --paper-input-container-label: { font-size: 12px }
            --paper-input-container-label-focus: { font-size:12px; font-weight:500 }
            --paper-input-container-input: { font-size:12px }
            --vaadin-date-picker-overlay: { max-height:400px }

It seems like the date-picker is using a paper-input, and I'm struggling to apply a conditional style.

(Click link for example picture) - In the example image, I would like the text 'Choose Date' to be displayed in red.

edit: I have added the HTML:

[ngClass]="{'has-error':hasErrors('value')}" class="form-group md-form-group">
<vaadin-date-picker [disableCond]="" [formControl]="" label=""></vaadin-date-picker>

Answer №1

I may not fully grasp your question, but having your HTML code would make it simpler to understand.

Scenario 1

Assuming your HTML code is as follows:

<div class="has-error">
    <vaadin-date-picker id="datePicker"></vaadin-date-picker>

Your CSS code would be like this:

.has-error vaadin-date-picker{


.has-error #datePicker{

Scenario 2

If your HTML appears like this:

<vaadin-date-picker class="has-error"></vaadin-date-picker>



Answer №2

If you're looking to style just the input field, I recommend using vaadin-date-picker-light. It makes styling the input much simpler and allows you to insert almost any HTML content inside it.

Unfortunately, mixins are not supported in the current version, so setting values on them won't work.

For more details, please visit this page:

Also, check out this theming example if you're interested in using a custom theme for the overlay and other elements:

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