Troubleshooting: Why is Angular2 ngClass malfunctioning?

I am having trouble adding a class based on a condition

    <tr *ngFor="let time of times; let i = index">
        <td [ngClass]="{'red-time':checkInvalid(time['Proles Arrive'])}">{{time['Proles Arrive']}}</td>

This code snippet is from my HTML file

  checkInvalid(entry: string){ 
console.log("This is the entry:"  + entry);
    return entry === 'Invalid Entry';

Despite logging "Invalid Entry", the class is not being added as expected.

Even trying "[ngClass]="{'red-time':true}" does not work to add the class

Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

Answer №1

modifying the condition in the following manner

<td [ngClass]="{'red-time':verifyValidity(time['Proles Arrive'])==true}">{{time['Proles Arrive']}}</td>

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