Troubleshooting problems with scrolling on JavaScript in Edge, Opera, and Chrome

Currently, I am developing a fun CSGO-inspired box opening feature on my food recipe website that randomly selects recipes for users. However, I have encountered some challenges with the scrolling functionality. It seems to be incompatible with certain browsers such as Edge, Opera, and Chrome, whereas Firefox works smoothly.

To demonstrate the issue, I have created a codepen showcasing the relevant code here:

I suspect that the following code block may be causing the problem:

let total_length = image_container.scrollWidth - (450*2.5)

scroll_interval = setInterval(() => {
  let remaining = total_length - image_container.scrollLeft
  // if further than 30 units away keep scrolling
  if (remaining > 30) {
    let distance = remaining / 15
    image_container.scrollTo(image_container.scrollLeft + distance, 0);
  } else {
    // stop scroling
}, 15 );

If anyone has insights or solutions for resolving the browser compatibility issue, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Your issue lies in the duration of the interval being too brief. This doesn't allow the browser enough time to smoothly "accelerate" the scroll.

Consider utilizing the scrollBy() function instead, as it may be more suitable for this scenario.

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