Troubleshooting problem with div width in Outlook causing table cell padding issue for curved corners on another div

This question has significantly evolved following additional testing

I am using a table layout similar to this:

    <td style="padding:10px 3%;">
      <div border="2px solid #000000;">
          <table><tr><td style="padding:10px 7%;">Text 'n' stuff</td></tr></table>

However, the div with a border is being clipped on the right. It seems that the div spans the width of the inner table along with an extra 14% for total padding, causing the border to extend slightly and then be truncated.

When I remove the nested table-tr-td inside the div but keep the content as is, the sizing issue is resolved. Alternatively, setting the td padding to zero fixes the width problem of the div. Unfortunately, I require the inner table for its padding. This inconsistency occurs in Outlook versions 2007, 2010, and 2013.

While I need the div for its rounded corner feature in other email clients, I'm seeking a solution without resorting to conditional statements.

Answer №1

There's always a solution hidden beneath every frustrating problem with MS technology. Uncertain whether it's good or bad, here's the workaround:

To address the div's border and radius, set them as desired, then negate them using the mso-border-*-alt properties:

overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #58bce9;border-radius:5px;mso-border-right-alt: none #FFFFFF 0;mso-border-bottom-alt: none #FFFFFF 0;mso-border-left-alt: none #FFFFFF 0;mso-border-top-alt: none #FFFFFF 0;

This effectively eliminates the div's problematic borders in Outlook. The overflow:hidden; is necessary to prevent the table's square corners' background color from interfering with the div's rounded corners.

Next, for the table, I utilized:

mso-border-right-alt: 2px solid #58bce9;mso-border-bottom-alt:2px solid #58bce9;mso-border-left-alt: 2px solid #58bce9;mso-border-top-alt:2px solid #58bce9;

These settings apply borders exclusively to the table in Outlook.


Answer №2

Check out this helpful resource on email client CSS compatibility. Also, refer to the MSDN guide for outlook best practices.

I noticed that border-radius isn't supported by some Outlook clients like 7, 10, and 13. You might want to consider removing it to avoid formatting errors.

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