Troubleshooting on Safari for iOS

As I work on my portfolio website using only HTML 5 without any JavaScript, I encountered an issue with the about page not functioning properly on iPhones. There seems to be a problem with scrolling as some elements are fixed and do not move along with the rest of the content. Since I don't have access to an iPhone, I am wondering if there is a way to simulate iOS on a computer in order to debug the page. Additionally, I am curious if there is a tool similar to "inspect element" in Chrome that can be used on iOS Safari for debugging purposes. If such a tool does not exist, what other methods can I use to identify why the browser is rendering incorrectly on the phone? I have validated my code and it should be working correctly, so this issue is perplexing!

Answer №1

To emulate the iOS environment, utilize Xcode in conjunction with Mac OS.

For debugging purposes, there is no built-in inspect element feature in the Simulator. However, you can utilize the Accessibility Inspector.

In the Simulator menu, navigate to Settings, then select General, followed by Accessibility.

Enable the Accessibility Inspector - this tool allows you to inspect various elements on the screen.

Answer №2

It's important to note that due to Apple's policies, all browsers must utilize Safari's layout engine for rendering pages on iOS devices. This results in minimal differences in page display between Safari and other browsers.

If you need to debug a web page on your iOS device using a browser on your Mac or Windows computer, there are two methods available:

1. Debugging with a Mac

Mac users already have access to tools for live inspection and debugging of web pages on their iOS devices.

Learn more here:

2. Debugging with Windows

While Xcode and MacOS are not the only options for debugging websites on OSX, there are several alternatives such as Telerik, WineRE, and Adobe Edge Inspect.

One popular choice among Windows users is Adobe Edge Inspect.

Find out more at:

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