Troubleshooting issue with jQuery validation causing submit button to be obscured by overlapping input divs

Encountering an issue with jQuery validation. Upon pressing the submit button, the div is moving under the other input field divs instead of pushing them down.

Attempted to resolve this by adding the following CSS:

.form-horizontal > .col-xs-7{

While this solution partially works, it creates excessive space when the submit button has not been pressed yet.

Click here to view the page where I am addressing this issue.

Answer №1

If my understanding is correct, the solution is quite straightforward. Simply wrap a div around the top section (with the bottom positioned above the register button), and then you may need to add the following line just before the button with style="float:left;" in the other div:

<div style="clear:both;"></div>

Next, enclose the area containing the register button within a div and apply text-align:center;

While this may seem like an easy fix, it's advisable to address the root cause instead of just the symptoms. Create space for error messages so that they don't disrupt the layout when they appear.

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