Troubleshooting IE compatibility issues with jQuery .hide() method

I am encountering a curious issue with hiding span elements using CSS (display: none;). Upon page load, I expect the first span element to be displayed, which it does in all browsers except IE7. This anomaly has left me perplexed as there is no unusual code causing this malfunction.

Running jQuery v1.4.2

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() { 

<span class="player" style="display: none;">Player embed code</span>
<span class="player" style="display: none;">Player embed code 2</span>

Appreciate any insights, Jake

Answer №1

The script effectively conceals the components and displays the initial one, as outlined in your complete code.

Answer №2

In case you have concealed these components using a stylesheet rather than utilizing the style attribute on the element, that could be the problem.

Answer №3

It's difficult to pinpoint your issue without seeing the full source code, leading us to make educated guesses. Based on what I understand, the code seems valid and functional in other browsers, so this inconsistency is puzzling.

I recommend starting with including a proper DOCTYPE if you haven't already. It's possible that IE is operating in quirks mode, which is not ideal.

Additionally, do you have both prototype and jQuery on the page? This may be causing a conflict with the $ symbol. In that case, try calling jQuery in a way that avoids conflicts:


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