Troubleshooting Hover Problem with D3 Chord Example on Internet Explorer 11

I came across an interesting tutorial on how to create chord diagrams in D3, which I'm currently experimenting with. The tutorial can be found at

One example that caught my attention is about hair color preferences. When you hover over a group on the circle's edge, it displays only the related chords, and as soon as you move the mouse away, all the other chords reappear.

This functionality seems to be achieved by adding the "fade" CSS class dynamically to hide certain chords. A piece of CSS code then takes care of hiding them when hovered over.

#circle:hover path.fade {
  display: none;

While this works seamlessly in Chrome, testing it in IE11 revealed a bug - once you hover over one group, the remaining chords never seem to redraw when moving the mouse outside the circle.

Upon inspecting the issue in the IE11 debugger, I discovered that simply modifying a DOM property resolves the problem. However, I am struggling to implement this fix in my code.

I've put together a fiddle with all the details here

Any assistance or insight would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

After conducting some tests, I discovered that the issue only occurs when accessing the resource in Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10. Interestingly, the problem does not arise when using Microsoft Edge. This suggests that a solution was implemented during the transition from Trident to EdgeHTML.

Since there are no plans for further development on Internet Explorer, it's recommended to focus on adjusting the browser settings for Internet Explorer 11. With some effort and the help of Telerik's Fiddler tool, I managed to correct the issue by adding the following code snippet:

div:hover { background: auto } // Or svg:hover, as mentioned below

By including this code at the beginning of the resource, I was able to resolve the problem in my setup. Keep in mind that this solution may be somewhat forceful, so consider customizing it according to your specific requirements.

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