Troubleshooting Alignment Problem of Maximize and Close Icons in RadWindow Using ASP.Net

Currently, I am utilizing telerik radwindow to showcase a PDF document. The window seems to be functioning correctly, but there is an issue with the alignment of the maximize and close icons. Ideally, they should appear in the same row, however, they are being rendered in two separate columns. Screen shots have been attached for reference.

Furthermore, at the bottom of the window, the close and restore icons are not aligned properly. Upon inspecting the generated HTML, it appears that it is a div element causing this misalignment.

I have attempted various solutions such as increasing the width of the main div, modifying classes, and adding new classes with different property values, yet none of these actions have successfully resolved the issue. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Ensure to eliminate all of your personal CSS styles from the webpage containing the RadWindow declaration. It is probable that some of your custom styles are causing conflicts with the RadWindow components. For more information on how to troubleshoot this issue, please refer to the following link:

Additionally, it appears that the skin being used is not one of the default options, indicating that it may be a custom skin. Consider switching to one of the predefined skins and see if the issue persists. If everything works fine with the built-in skins, then there may be an issue with your custom skin that needs to be addressed.

Another suggestion is to switch to the Lightweight RenderMode as it utilizes semantic elements and avoids the use of tables, which could potentially eliminate any CSS conflicts that are occurring.

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