Troubleshooting: Addressing the issue of two floated divs not aligning properly

I have the main section called panel-body with packages nested inside. The packages are displaying properly inside the panel-body and stacking in a row.

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Although I attempted to use float:left; in my package CSS, the packages did not align within the body as expected.

To illustrate:

Removing the float:left; property solves the alignment issue, but then the packages do not display three per row like desired.

See here:

Below is the CSS for my packages:

.package {
    width: 33.33333333%;

And this is the CSS for the panel-body:

.panel {
    margin-bottom: 30px;
    background: url(;
    width: 850px;
    border: none;
    border-radius: 0;
    position: relative;
    min-height: 300px;
    padding: 20px;
    color: #fff;
.panel-body {
    padding: 15px;
.panel .panel-body {
    color: #3d3e3f;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    position: relative;
    max-width: 750px;
    top: -75px;
    left: 13px;
<div class="package">
<img src="'.(isset($image) && $image!="" && ($it == 1 || $it == 3 || $it == IMG_JPEG) ? $image : "img/404.jpg").'" class="img-rounded img-responsive" style="width:250px; height:168px;">

Currently, my goal is to have each row in the panel-body display three packages side by side.

Answer №1

To ensure the proper display of packages, include a new class called clearfix in the parent element and define it in your CSS file:

.clearfix:after {
  content: " ";
  display: block;
  clear: both;

By applying this clearfix class, you are correcting the positioning of floated elements within the parent container, restoring its natural flow.

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