Finding unique data stored in separate JSON files and loading them individually may require using different methods for

I have two JSON files named marker.json and marker.json0 that contain different latitude and longitude coordinates. To load them, I need to rename .json0 to .json (and vice versa), so that the new data from marker.json0 now resides in marker.json. This way, the JavaScript file responsible for handling AJAX requests can parse the data and display markers and infowindows on the map.

  1. In the JavaScript file, there are two functions - searchAddress and removeAddress, triggered by user clicks on "cerca" or "cancella" buttons respectively. The purpose of these functions is to manipulate the JSON array to show or hide markers and infowindows on the map. After editing the code, I encountered new errors related to undefined variables and missing function definitions when interacting with the buttons.

Here's an update to the JS file:

// Updated JavaScript code will go here 

  1. This first JSON array contains information like latitudes, longitudes, titles, and content needed for the map visualization based on the parsed data from the JavaScript file.

"title": "Paolo", 
"latitude": 41.897115,
"longitude": 12.513300,
"content": "Cooperativa fornitrice di servizi sociali,<br/> Viale Eleonora D'Arborea 12<br/> 00162 Roma<br/> <a href='' target='_blank'>Prassi e Ricerca</a>",
"icon": "img/orange-dot.png",
"coords": "1, 1, 1, 20, 18, 20, 18 , 1",
"type": "poly"
// Additional entries...

  1. This second JSON array contains updated information meant to replace the previous data once the file names are switched between .json and .json0. The loading of JSON files and mapping of new data are handled within the JS file.

"title": "Bar dei Pini", 
"latitude": 41.897115,
"longitude": 12.513300,
"content": "Specialita Gelato Artigianale<br/> Viale Eleonora D'Arborea 12<br/> 00162 Roma<br/> <a href='' target='_blank'>Prassi e Ricerca</a>",
"icon": "img/pink-dot.png",
"coords": "1, 1, 1, 20, 18, 20, 18 , 1",
"type": "poly"
// Additional entries...

The page does not require reloads as long as one of the JSON files maintains the .json extension after renaming.

Answer №1

If you want to simplify things, consider keeping the file names as is instead of renaming them. The XMLHttpRequest operation, being client-side, cannot change file names on the server like "json1.json". What's holding you back from restructuring your code so that the part fetching JSON data is turned into a function with the URL passed as an argument?

function Get(url){
  var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  var arr; 

  xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() {
    if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
      arr = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
  }"GET", url, true);
  return arr;

This approach allows you to fetch any needed files easily. For example:

markers = Get("");

You can also apply a similar method to handle your marker code. By putting it in a function, pass the "markers" variable as an argument to display them on the map.

In essence, dividing your code into functions helps optimize flow and promotes code reuse.

Answer №2

If I have understood your query correctly, here is a workaround that may solve your problem. It appears that the JSON attributes like title, latitude, longitude, content, icon, coords, and type in both files are similar, with only the latitude and longitude values varying. In this scenario, why not create a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) with these properties and use the Gson API to marshal the JSON data into these POJOs? This way, json1 will be represented by pojo object1 and json2 by pojo object2. Then, you can add these objects to a list and pass the list to a JsonParser to generate a combined JSON data from both files. Finally, this JsonParser-generated data can be sent to a JavaScript file. I hope this explanation clears up any confusion.

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