Troubleshooting a problem with the transition of the hamburger menu icon in SC

I'm encountering an issue with the transition property and attempting to utilize the all keyword.

After including a fiddle, I can't seem to figure out if I've made a simple mistake or if there is something else going on. I have seen the all keyword work perfectly in the past, so why isn't it working now? It appears to function correctly when selecting elements under the .on class.

What could be causing the base classes to not recognize the

// not working
transition: 0.2s transform, 0.2s all 0.4s;
// working
transition: 0.2s transform, 0.2s top 0.4s, 0.2s margin-top 0.4s;

Answer №1

It comes down to prioritization

view here

transition: 0.2s all 0.4s, transform 0.2s ;

Initially, it applies the transition to all styles and then specifically targets transform

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