Implementing JavaScript to assign a symbol to several <span> elements with identical ids

I have a looping span element on my page that is generated based on the number of records in a database table. The appearance of the span can vary, displaying either one or multiple instances. Each span has the following structure:

<span class="add-on" id="goaltypeicon"></span>

Adjacent to the span, there is a dropdown menu that determines whether the span should show a $ sign or a % sign based on the user's selection. Here is the dropdown menu:

<select onchange="selectSavingOption(this)" class="input-xxlarge" id="saving_options"
        name="saving_options" style="width: 100%"> 

    <option value="weekly_savings_amount"> Set Weekly Savings Amount</option>
    <option value="weekly_savings_percent">Allocate % Of Weekly Savings</option>


Below is the JavaScript function that triggers when the dropdown menu selection changes:

function selectSavingOption(element) {
        if (element.options[element.selectedIndex].value == 'weekly_savings_amount') {
        }if (element.options[element.selectedIndex].value == 'weekly_savings_percent') {

While this solution works for the first occurrence of the span, it does not update all subsequent spans with the selected symbol ($ or %). I am seeking assistance to ensure that each span reflects the correct symbol depending on the user's choice.

In summary, the value weekly_savings_amount should display the $ symbol and the value weekly_savings_percent should display the % symbol.

Answer №1

According to the guidelines set by the W3C, the ID attribute must be unique within its scope, typically on the displayed webpage. Source

Your HTML:

<span class="add-on" id="goaltypeicon_<?= $i ?>"></span>

The variable $i could serve as a counter (in your loop) if you wish to assign an ID to your span.

Your JavaScript:

function selectSavingOption(element) {
    if (element.options[element.selectedIndex].value == 'weekly_savings_amount') {
    }if (element.options[element.selectedIndex].value == 'weekly_savings_percent') {

If you don't want the content of all spans to be updated simultaneously, consider using different classes or alternative selectors like :first, :nth-child.

By adding a counter to your ID, you can utilize a wildcard selector in jQuery:


This will target all spans with IDs starting with goaltypeicon_

Answer №2

It is recommended to avoid using the same id for multiple elements as each id should be unique. Consider removing the id from your span or assigning a dynamic name to it.

Furthermore, utilize classes in your script instead of ids.

function selectSavingOption(element) {
        if (element.options[element.selectedIndex].value == 'weekly_savings_amount') {
        }if (element.options[element.selectedIndex].value == 'weekly_savings_percent') {

Answer №3

The id attribute serves as a unique identifier for individual items within a web page. While some browsers and libraries may allow you to select multiple elements with the same id, this is not the intended use of the attribute and may not work reliably across all scenarios.

If all your <span /> elements share the same id, you are essentially creating a group similar to a class. In such cases, it is more appropriate to utilize a class instead.

For example:

<span class="add-on goaltypeicon"></span>

This adjustment would require a slight modification in the handler function as shown below:

function selectSavingOption(element) {
    if (element.options[element.selectedIndex].value == 'weekly_savings_amount') {
    } else if (element.options[element.selectedIndex].value == 'weekly_savings_percent') {

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