Troubleshooting a problem with HTML table styling

Could someone please help me identify the issue with this code snippet? I am aiming to style the table with a border, background color, and align it to the top.

I appreciate any assistance. Thank you.

<td style="border: solid 2px #111111;" bgcolor="#d9e2f4;" vertical-align:top;">

Answer №1

Your webpage contains CSS styles that are not within the inline style="" declaration.

<td style="border:solid 2px #111111;background:#d9e2f4;vertical-align:top;"></td> 

It is recommended to separate the styles from the HTML code and place them in a separate stylesheet for better organization.

table td {
  border:solid 2px #111111;

Answer №2

Your code snippet should look like this to properly format a table:

<table class="yourClass">

Ensure the following CSS is applied for proper styling:

    border: solid 2px #111111; 
    background-color: #d9e2f4;

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