The element's position remains unchanged after the .click re-event in the function

Welcome to my first attempt at using jQuery! Please bear with me as I navigate through this learning process. Here's the challenge: I have a series of elements in my HTML.

<div class="garden">
    <div class="point left">&#9668;</div>
        <div class="trees">
            <div id="apple">Apple</div>
            <div id="cherry">Cherry</div>
            <div id="pear">Pear</div>
            <div id="oak">Oak</div>
            <div id="fir">Fir</div>
    <div class="point right">&#9658;</div>

I am trying to move the elements to the left after clicking "pointLeft", and to the right after clicking "pointRight". When an item is at the leftmost position and "pointLeft" is clicked, that item should be removed, a copy created, and placed at the rightmost position. For instance, when you click on "pointLeft", "cherry" moves to the spot where "apple" was, "pear" moves to the spot where "cherry" was, and so on. Additionally, the animation feature (.animate()) needs to be incorporated. Initially, I am attempting to animate one element without using .clone().

$(document).ready(function() {
    var trees = ["#apple", "#cherry", "#pear", "#oak", "#fir"];
    var treePosition = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) {

    function changePositionLeft() {
        if ($("#apple").position()) {

        else if ($("#apple").position() == treePosition[4]) {

    $(".point.left").click(function() {

After the first click, "apple" successfully moves to the position of "fir". However, upon the second click, "apple" does not animate to treePosition[4]. Could someone please explain why there is no animation after the second click, and suggest a solution? Thank you!

Answer №1

After reviewing the provided code snippet, it appears that the condition in the if statement will always be true:

if ($("#apple").position()) {

The function being checked here will never return a value that evaluates to false (such as 1,2,3,4,5). It actually returns the coordinates of the element on the page in an object format, which will not be interpreted as false.

If the if statement returns true, then the following code is executed:


Since the array used here seems static and is not updated with the new positions of elements, it still refers to '#apple'. Ideally, storing references to DOM elements rather than their IDs would be more appropriate.

To address this, I've made some modifications to your code. Instead of using an array for element positions, I animate the movement of each element to its new position and then shift the first element to the end. This way, clicking the button triggers the animation from front to back seamlessly.

Here's the revised changePositionLeft function:

function changePositionLeft() {

    var trees = $('#trees');

    trees.children().each(function(index, child) {
        if (index == 0) {
        } else {
            $(child).animate(trees.children().eq(index - 1).position());


Check out the updated fiddle:

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