"Troubleshoot: Why isn't my CSS media query functioning

I need help with hiding a div on desktop and showing it only on mobile devices. The code can be found here

Specifically, I want the following code snippet to execute only in the mobile version:

<div class="mobiupdbox">
         <div class="ovalmain"> Updates</div>
However, it is showing up on the desktop version as well.

Interestingly, when I tested the same code on jsfiddle here, it worked as expected (the 'Updates' section was not displayed). I am confused about what I might be doing wrong. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I have been struggling with this for some time now.

Answer №1

When looking to conceal the division when it reaches sizes larger than 600px, you can achieve this using a media query like in this example:

@media all and (min-width: 601px) {.....}

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