After building a page with Bootstrap 4, I wanted to convert it into a PDF that maintained the exact look of the original. However, when printing using Google Chrome, there were some font-related issues. The letter "L" appeared bold in some instances, which led me to change the font to Times New Roman. While this resolved the issue with the Ls, other characters became bold. Testing by printing Bootstrap's homepage revealed the same problem.
Here is how the homepage appears in Chrome:
Chrome's print preview can be seen here:
And this is what the saved PDF looks like:
I have experimented with different fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial, and Helvetica, but none seem to provide a consistent result. It's worth noting that the only CSS line used was:
@media print {body {width: 8.5in;height: 11in;}}
, which shouldn't be causing these font issues.
If anyone has experienced a similar problem or has suggestions on how to overcome it while maintaining consistency, I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you.