Troubles with CSS drop down alignment in Internet Explorer 7

I've been racking my brain all morning trying to solve this issue.

My current project involves creating a website for a client, and I'm having trouble getting the dropdown menu to position correctly in IE7. It's working fine in all other browsers, including the notoriously difficult IE6, but IE7 is proving to be a challenge.

If there's anyone out there who can offer some assistance, I would be extremely grateful!

You can view the problematic page(s) at

Here is what it should look like: Correct

And here is the issue in IE7: IE7

Any assistance you can provide would be incredibly appreciated!

Thank you,


Answer №1

If you're looking to customize the subnav styling, consider specifying a numerical value for the 'top' declaration rather than using 'auto'

Here's an example...

.subnav { left:auto; top:75px; }

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