Troubles encountered when setting div height to 100% while ensuring all parent containers are also at 100%

I'm having trouble making a div stretch out to 100% height, despite trying various solutions.

After scouring the web for answers and experimenting with different methods, I still haven't been successful.

Check out my code here:

View the output here:

I've attempted adjusting every other preceding div as well to reach 100%, as advised by numerous sources online, but it's just not working out.

The problematic divs are quick_analy_main and quick_analy_graph.

While this may seem like a simple task, I'm struggling to find the solution. Can anyone point out what I'm missing?

Answer №2

When specifying a height of 100%, the crucial question to consider is "100% of what?". In this scenario, it invariably refers to the height of the parent element. But what exactly is the parent element in this context? Ultimately, it traces back to the body element. The next inquiry then becomes: what is the height of the body element set to? If left undefined, try setting it to 100% and observe the outcome. Keep in mind that the html element must also have a specified height since it acts as the parent to the body element.

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