trouble with padding on cards using vue-bootstrap

I have been working on creating a card component with Vue Bootstrap, but I've run into an issue. The card header and body seem to have excessive padding around them. If I remove the b-card element and only use b-card-header and b-card-body, it looks like a standard Bootstrap card, but without any margin around the header and body. What can I do to remove the padding around the header and body?

  <b-card-header v-b-modal.modalBox class="border-1">
      Body text lorem ipsum

Answer №1

To ensure that the sub-components within <b-card>, such as <b-card-header> and <b-card-img>, have no padding applied around them by default, you can use the no-body property on <b-card>. This will remove the default padding on the card, allowing the sub-components to control it instead.

<b-card no-body>
  <b-card-header v-b-modal.modalBox class="border-1">
      Body text lorem ipsum

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