Trouble with Bootstrap Modal not closing properly in Chrome and Safari

ISSUE: I'm facing a problem where clicking on the X (font awesome icon) doesn't close the modal popup as expected.


Currently, the X button for closing the modal works only in IE and Firefox. However, it fails to work on Chrome and Safari browsers. It does work if I use the letter "x" instead of an icon within the button tag. But, I prefer using the font awesome icon for better design possibilities.

REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE: I have limited knowledge of JavaScript and I'm unable to resolve this issue with the existing modal setup for my signup/login functionality.

Feel free to experiment with the Fiddle provided:


    <div class="cd-signin-modal js-signin-modal"> <!-- This represents the complete modal form, including the background -->
        <!-- Code snippet continued... -->


    //Login/Signup modal window - by
    // JavaScript code continues...

Answer №1

Make sure to add the btn-js-close class and use it in your JavaScript condition.

Here is the code in action - JSFiddle

HTML Update:

<i style="position:absolute; top:-30px!important;" aria-hidden="true" class="btn-js-close text-white fas fa-times"></i>

JavaScript Update:

if( hasClass(, 'js-signin-modal') || hasClass(, 'btn-js-close') ) {
                removeClass(self.element, 'cd-signin-modal--is-visible');

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