"Trouble with 3D hexagonal grid in CSS - unable to achieve desired display

In order to create a dynamic Hexagonal Grid using CSS, the objective is to automatically reorganize hexes in a circular or rectangular manner when a new div with a specific class (e.g. 'hexes') is added to the view.

Currently, there is a grid with numerous hexes organized in columns of 4 hex-boxes with some animations. Rows can be added to the columns, but it is not responsive or self-ordered.

Below is a snippet of the existing code:

body { background-color: #171d25; }

<!-- More CSS Code Here -->

If we want to display only half of the hexes, seven divs with the class 'column' would need to be removed. However, the hexes will not expand or center themselves.

An attempt was made here to enlarge the hexes and align them centrally, but it needs further refinement.

It has been suggested to utilize @media queries for responsiveness, which is a feature I have limited experience with. The goal is to make the grid responsive and dynamic, particularly for use with AngularJS by utilizing ng-repeat so that the number of options is unknown and they are displayed neatly. Additionally, there are plans to include functionalities like inserting an image in the middle of a hex, displaying an image over the name of the hex, and showcasing information with animations.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, using media queries is currently the most viable solution. The approach involves determining the width of the hexagons, utilizing the :nth-child() selector to adjust every second row without wrapping the hexagons in rows. Instead, setting them as inline-block, and specifying breakpoints with media queries based on the hexagons' width. Modify the value inside :nth-child() as needed when the viewport width changes.

For example:

<span class="hex"></span>
<span class="hex"></span>
<span class="hex"></span>
<span class="hex"></span>
<span class="hex"></span>
<span class="hex"></span>
  @media(min-width: 200px) and (max-width: 299px){
  @media(min-width: 300px) and (max-width: 399px){
  @media(min-width: 400px) and (max-width: 499px){
  @media(min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 599px){

The formula for this logic is:

for(i = 2; i < .hex(length); i++){
  @media(min-width: i * .hex(width) ) and (max-width: (i * 2 * .hex(width)) - 1){

This method is effective for horizontal (pointy) hex grids but can be adjusted for vertical (flat) hex grids by tweaking the formula slightly.

Check out the fiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/q2my8vcn/ (Some modifications have been made, still a work in progress, but it demonstrates the basic concept effectively.)

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