"Trouble encountered when attempting to add a CSS class to a select option in Firefox version 5

Here is the HTML code I am working with:

<select id="WageBenifits_PayType" name="WageBenifits.PayType">
    <option class="selectOption" value="" selected="selected">Please Select Value</option>
    <option value="COM">COM - COMMISSIONS AND BONUS PAY</option>
    <option value="HOL">HOL - HOLIDAY PAY</option>

This is the CSS associated with it:

.selectOption {
   color: #999;
   font-style : italic;
   text-transform: none; 
   font-variant: small-caps; }

The issue I am facing is that while this styling works fine in Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 5 does not apply the "selectOption" class to the dropdown text. Despite Firebug showing that the class is there and applied, the displayed text in the select dropdown control remains unchanged. The change only reflects in the dropdown list, but not in the displayed line.

You can view a demo of this at http://jsfiddle.net/photo_tom/vRZCr/

Answer №1

Despite the CSS issue, this is exactly what you need:

<select id="WageBenifits_PayType" name="WageBenifits.PayType">
    <option disabled="disabled">Please Select Value</option>
    <option value="COM">COM - COMMISSIONS AND BONUS PAY</option>
    <option value="HOL">HOL - HOLIDAY PAY</option>


Answer №2

What appears in the display line on Firefox is simply the text of the option, not the actual option itself. Testing this can be done by adding styled elements as children of the <option> tag and noticing that the styling does not reflect in the display line.

Some browsers may apply some styles from an <option> element to the display line, while others do not. There have been discussions about implementing a similar feature in Gecko, but without clear specifications for consistent behavior across browsers, any changes would be premature.

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