Trouble arises with kids when trying to adjust the display to block mode

I need to set all the div elements inside the div with id "editor" to display as block. However, when I change the display property of the div with id "editor", only that specific div's display is affected, while everything else inside the div becomes display none.

Below is the code snippet:

doctype html
    title #{title} - My Site
    link(rel='stylesheet', href='stylesheets/style.css')
        function name(id, id2){
            document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';
            document.getElementById(id2).style.display = 'none';
            //document.getElementById(id3).style.display = 'none';
body(onload ='name("rename", "ineditortxt")')
    div(id="rename", class="Name")
    h1= "Enter File Name"
    form(id = "filename", method ="post")
        input(id="new_name", type ="text", placeholder="File Name")
        input(id="Okay", type="submit", value="Okay")

    h1= "Welcome to Editor"
        |Welcome to the home pages
        |This is the first Paragraph
    script(src="javascripts/ace.js", type="text/javascript")
            var editor=ace.edit("editor");
    script(src="/jvm.js", type="text/javascript")
        document.getElementById("ineditortxt").style.display = 'block';
        document.getElementById("rename").style.display = 'none';

Answer №1

The text language in your message is unknown to me, but based on the "jquery" tag in your question, the jQuery code to achieve what you're explaining is:

$("#editor, #editor div").css("display", "block");

If you were not using jQuery, it would look like this:

var editor = document.getElementById("editor"); = "block";

var insideDivs = editor.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (var i = 0; i < insideDivs.length; i += 1) { = "block";

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