Trigger CSS animation for a single iteration

In my CSS snippet, I have implemented an animation to move some label text when a user selects an input box.

input:focus ~ label, input.used ~ label {
    top: -20px;
    transform: scale(.75); left: -2px;
    color: #4a89dc;

While this animation works well, I am encountering an issue where the label text animates back into place and overlaps the old text when I select a different input.

I am looking for a solution where the label text either disappears completely or remains in its new position without returning to its inactive state. In other words, it should not revert to its original position.

Answer №1

To solve this issue, simply assign a class to the element and then apply the desired changes to that class.

For instance, you could utilize jQuery in the following manner:


By adding the class 'newClass' to the element, you can manipulate it as needed:

.newClass {
    left: 10px;

This will shift the element by 10 pixels to the left. Alternatively, you can achieve the same result using vanilla JavaScript:

document.getElementById('label').addEventListener('focus', function () {
 if (this.classList.contains('item')) {

Make sure to add the 'item' class to your label before implementing this functionality.

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