Trigger a function when a CSS animation reaches its completion

I am working on a small jQuery function that needs to return its value within a subfunction. The purpose behind this is so that I can later chain this function with other jQuery functions. However, I want the next chained function to start only after the main function has returned the jQuery object.

app.h.aniend = 'webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend';
$.fn.animate_scale = function( callback ) {
    var $this = $(this);
    $this.addClass('animate_scale').one( app.h.aniend, function() {
        if( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
        return $this; // returning here...
    // return $this;

Is there a way to instruct jQuery to wait until the subfunction returns the necessary jQuery objects for chaining?


Answer №1


If you wish for .fadeOut() to synchronize with the completion of animate_scale(), then animate_scale must be queued:

Cue your plugin:

Typically, when you link together fx methods like this example:


You will observe the ball animating first, followed by it fading out only after the animation is complete.
Why? Because jQuery will place animate and fadeOut in a queue array and wait for each one to finish before executing the next method.

To achieve similar functionality within your plugin:

jsFiddle demo (Queue in action!)

$.fn.animate_scale = function( callback ) {
    var $this = this;
    return $this.queue(function() { 
        $this.addClass('animate_scale').on("animationend", function() {
            if (typeof callback == 'function') $this );

$('#my_object').animate_scale(function() {
    console.log( "Scale is done!" );
}).fadeOut( 2000 ); // fadeOut will wait for animate_scale to dequeue (complete)

I prefer not to stack queues

If you want your plugin to run other chained fx Methods simultaneously, simply use the callback:

jsFiddle demo (no Queue)

$.fn.animate_scale = function( callback ) {
  var $this = $(this);
  return $this.addClass('animate_scale').on("animationend", function() {
      if (typeof callback == 'function') this );

    console.log("Scale done.");
                  // use $(this).fadeOut(2000); here!! cause otherwise...
}).fadeOut(2000); // ...if chained here, will fade immediately!!!!!

Answer №2

An effective method is to utilize a callback function:

$('#my_object').trigger_animation(function(){ $(this).hide(1500) });

Alternatively, there exists a less recommended approach that achieves the desired outcome but has its drawbacks:

app.h.animend = 'webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend';
$.fn.trigger_animation = function( callback ) {
    var $element = $(this);
    var hideTime;
    $element.addClass('trigger_animation').one( app.h.animend, function() {
        if( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
        if(hideTime) {
    return {
      hide: function(duration) { hideTime = duration; }

This solution may seem excessive as it restricts you to only utilizing hide through a callback, however, it effectively stores the value until needed. If you choose not to call Hide, then hidingTime remains undefined and no hiding occurs.

Answer №3

One potential approach to consider is a versatile method that:

  • is not limited to a specific CSS3 selector
  • can replicate jQuery's pre-built animations like slideDown() or fadeIn().

If this method (let's name it .css3Animate()) needs to function in all of the following scenarios:

// method-chain
// callback
$('#my_object').css3Animate('animate_scale', function() {
// .promise().then()
$('#my_object').css3Animate('animate_scale').promise().then(function() {

A particular jQuery plugin accomplishes these objectives...

(function($) {
    var aniend = 'webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend';
    $.fn.css3Anim = function(cssClass, callback) {
        var $this = this; // In the context of a plugin, `this` already represents a jQuery collection.
        return this.queue(function(next) { // Add the CSS animation to the elements' fx queue.
            $this.queue(function(){}) // Halt the animation queue during the CSS transition.
            .one(aniend, function() {
                if(callback && typeof callback === 'function') {
                $this.removeClass(cssClass) // Ready for another call
                .dequeue(); // Permit the fx animation queue to advance and fulfill the associated promise.
            .addClass(cssClass); // Trigger the essential animation
            next(); // Move on to the queue blockage indicated above.

The behavior is satisfactory but not flawless. The plugin is meant to handle queuing two or more animations, yet it struggles with three or more.

In the demonstration, you'll notice that buttons are disabled while an animation is ongoing, preventing interference while the CSS3 animation plays out. If you uncheck the checkbox and repeatedly click the buttons, you'll easily disrupt the process.

This issue might stem from the unpredictability of next()'s progression to the queue blocker - external factors may intervene. Further investigation is required to address this. Perhaps someone adept could provide insight?

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