Tricks for refreshing cached web page assets in the year 2023

So far, here are some of the old Cache Buster techniques I've come across:

  1. Adding a query string in the link src: /mstylesheet.css?cache_buster=12345
  2. Changing the filename each time: /mstylesheet-12345.css
  3. Using Apache with Cache-Control "must-revalidate" along with no-cache

I've encountered issues with all of these methods as browsers stubbornly refuse to update assets.

Based on my understanding, it seems like browser caches view the following URLs as distinct entities:

  • /mstylesheet.css
  • /mstylesheet.css?cache_buster=12345
  • /mstylesheet.css?cache_buster=54321

Therefore, the question arises: Will the following javascript code be effective in forcing an existing stylesheet, linked via a link tag without a cache buster query string, to be updated in the browser cache?

fetch("/mstylesheet.css",{ method: "GET",headers: {"Cache-Control": "no-cache"}});

(I would like this to run occasionally, not every time a page loads).

Answer №1

According to Referrer and cache control APIs for fetch(), using either reload or no-store can help bypass the locally stored cache when making requests:

  // To completely bypass the cache, use cache: "no-store"
  fetch("some.json", {cache: "no-store"})
    .then(function(response) { /* handle the response */ });

  // To update the HTTP cache with the fetched resource while bypassing
  // the local cache, use cache: "reload"
  fetch("some.json", {cache: "reload"})
    .then(function(response) { /* handle the response */ });

This information remains applicable up to 2023. However, it's important to consider compatibility with older browsers or servers that may not support these cache directives. It's worth noting that misbehaving servers could ignore these headers, and service workers might not forward requests as intended. As long as you have control over these factors, it shouldn't be a problem, but it underscores the need for all components of your application to adhere to these standards.

From what I understand, different URLs are treated as distinct entities in the browser cache, right?

Yes, that is correct. The full URL serves as the cache key, and Chrome has even implemented cache partitioning to ensure that caches from different origins remain separate, even if they refer to the same URL. More information on this can be found here.

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