Traversing JSON Data using Vanilla JavaScript to dynamically fill a specified amount of articles in an HTML page

Here is the code along with my explanation and questions:

I'm utilizing to create 12 'results'. These results represent 12 clients, each with different sets of data. For instance,

Client 1: First Name - James,

Address - 1234 Maple Street

Client 2: First Name - Jack,

Address - 4321 Lorem Ipsum Lane

My Query: How can I populate the following 12 articles in HTML using the JSON Data with a For Loop in my JavaScript and Ajax Request?

        <img class="photo" height="100" width="100">
            <h1 class="name"></h1>
            <h2 class="email"></h2>

    <!-- Repeat this article structure 11 more times -->

`const Employees = (function () { let displayStudent = document.querySelector('.photo'); let name = document.querySelector('.name'); let email = document.querySelector('.email'); let phone = document.querySelector('.phone'); let streetAddress = document.querySelector('.streetAddress'); let city = document.querySelector('.city'); let state = document.querySelector('.state'); let zip = document.querySelector('.zip'); const ajaxCall = function () { let hr = new XMLHttpRequest(); let url = ''; hr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (hr.readyState === 4) { if (hr.status === 200) { let myObj = JSON.parse(hr.responseText); for(let i = 0; i < myObj.length; i++) { displayStudent.src = myObj.results[i].picture.large; name.innerHTML = myObj.results[i].name.first + " " + myObj.results[i].name.last; } } } else { console.log("ajax error: " + hr.response); } };"GET", url, true); hr.send(); }; return { init: function () { ajaxCall(); } }; }()); Employees.init();`

I'm struggling to populate more than one article at a time with just one client's information. Any assistance would be highly appreciated!

Thank you

Answer №1

Upon examining your code example and comparing it to the JSON response, I noticed something peculiar.

This is what your JSON response looks like...

    "results": [...]

The for loop in your code appears as follows...

let myObj = JSON.parse(hr.responseText);
for(let i = 0; i < myObj.length; i++) {
    displayStudent.src = myObj.results[0].picture.large;
    name.innerHTML = myObj.results[0].name.first + " " + 
  • It seems that you are attempting to iterate through an object that does not have a .length property, indicating that myObj is not an array.

  • Furthermore, myObj.results[0] consistently retrieves the first result.

Possible Solution

In order to address this issue, you may want to dynamically insert HTML elements within your for loop.

<!-- Inside your HTML file -->
<div id="articleContainer"></div>

// Within your JavaScript ajax response (upon success)
if (hr.readyState === 4 && hr.status === 200) { // confirms completion of ajax request
    let container = document.querySelector('#articleContainer');
    let strArticles = "";

    let myObj = JSON.parse(hr.responseText);
    for(let i = 0; i < myObj.results.length; i++) {
        let resObj = myObj.results[i];

        strArticles += '<article>' +
                            '<img class="photo" src="' + resObj.picture.large + '" height="100" width="100">' +
                            '<hgroup>' +
                                '<h1 class="name">' + + ' ' + name.last + '</h1>' +
                                '<h2 class="email">' + + '</h2>' +
                            '</hgroup>' +

    // Integrating the generated HTML string into the designated parent container element.
    container.innerHTML = strArticles;

I hope this resolves the issue for you :)

Answer №2

When working with variables in a for loop, it's important to ensure they are within the scope of the loop and avoid nesting if statements. If you need to populate HTML snippets with data, using a template can be more efficient than querying individual elements with selectors.

const Employees = (function() {
  let displayStudent = document.querySelector('.photo');
  let name = document.querySelector('.name');
  let email = document.querySelector('.email');
  let phone = document.querySelector('.phone');
  let streetAddress = document.querySelector('.streetAddress');
  let city = document.querySelector('.city');
  let state = document.querySelector('.state');
  let zip = document.querySelector('.zip');

  const ajaxCall = function() {
    let hr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    let url = ''; //
    hr.onreadystatechange = function() {
      if (hr.readyState === 4 && hr.status === 200) { 
        let myObj = JSON.parse(hr.responseText);
        for (let i = 0; i < myObj.length; i++) {
          displayStudent.src = myObj.results[0].picture.large;
          name.innerHTML = myObj.results[0].name.first + " " + myObj.results[0].name.last;
      } else {
        console.log("ajax error: " + hr.response);
    };"GET", url, true);


  return {
    init: function() {


  <img class="photo" height="100" width="100">
    <h1 class="name"></h1>
    <h2 class="email"></h2>

// Repeat this article snippet as needed

An example:

// Performing an AJAX call or fetch to retrieve data

var data = [{
  email: 'something'
}, {
  email: 'something2'
}, {
  email: 'blah'
}, {
  email: 'blah2'
}, {
  email: 'blah blah'
}, {
  email: ':o blah'

data.forEach(item => {
  var div = document.createElement('div')
  div.innerHTML = `<div>some fancy box////   ${}   \\\\\\some more facy box</div>`


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