Traverse through the div elements with identical class using jQuery

Hey there! I have a bunch of classes named itemdata and I'm looking to incorporate some jQuery within each div. Within every div, there is a link that I want to extract the href attribute value from and enclose it within another <span> in that specific div.

My current code structure appears as follows:

<div class="itemdata" >
<a  href="www.link1" class="frame">
<img  src='...' />
<span class="wlt_shortcode_TITLE">Title 1</span>

<div class="itemdata" >
<a  href="www.link2" class="frame">
<img  src='...' />
<span class="wlt_shortcode_TITLE">Title 2</span>

<div class="itemdata" >
<a  href="www.link3" class="frame">
<img  src='...' />
<span class="wlt_shortcode_TITLE">Title 3</span>

Below is my jQuery implementation:

jQuery( ".itemdata" ).each(function() {
var link = jQuery( this ).find(".frame").attr("href");
jQuery(this).find(".wlt_shortcode_TITLE" ).wrap("<a href='" + link + "'></a>");

The desired output HTML should appear as follows:

    <div class="itemdata" >
    <a  href="www.link1" class="frame">
    <img  src='...' />
    <a  href="www.link1"><span class="wlt_shortcode_TITLE">Title 1</span></a>

    <div class="itemdata" >
    <a  href="www.link2" class="frame">
    <img  src='...' />
    <a  href="www.link2"><span class="wlt_shortcode_TITLE">Title 2</span></a>

    <div class="itemdata" >
    <a  href="www.link3" class="frame">
    <img  src='...' />
    <a  href="www.link3"><span class="wlt_shortcode_TITLE">Title 3</span></a>

However, the current HTML rendered is not quite what I intended:

        <div class="itemdata" >
        <a  href="www.link1" class="frame">
        <img  src='...' />
        <a  href="undefined">
         <a  href="www.link1">
          <a  href="www.link1"><span class="wlt_shortcode_TITLE">Title 1</span>

        <div class="itemdata" >
        <a  href="www.link2" class="frame">
        <img  src='...' />
        <a  href="undefined">
         <a  href="www.link1">
          <a  href="www.link1"><span class="wlt_shortcode_TITLE">Title 2</span>

        <div class="itemdata" >
        <a  href="www.link3" class="frame">
        <img  src='...' />
        <a  href="undefined">
         <a  href="www.link1">
          <a  href="www.link1">
            <span class="wlt_shortcode_TITLE">Title 3</span>

Answer №1

Almost there! Instead of using .add, try utilizing .find. Make this small adjustment and it should work correctly:

jQuery( ".itemdata" ).each(function() {
    var lk = jQuery( this ).find(".frame").attr("href");
    jQuery(this).find(".wlt_shortcode_TITLE" ).wrap("<a href='" + lk + "'></a>");

Check out the Fiddle for a working example:

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