Transitioning CSS - An elegant way to display div contents

Here's the concept: A hidden div that slides down, pushing other content, when a button is clicked. Clicking the button again will hide the div and raise the other content.


<div id="topDiv" class="hidden">
    Some content<br>
    More complex content
<button id="thebutton" onclick="toggle('topDiv');">Toggle the div</button>
<div id="bottomDiv">
    Some content<br>
    More content!<br>
    Even more content!<br>


div.hidden {
    height: 0px;
div {
    height: 400px;
    transition: height 0.5s;


function toggle(someId) {
    var someElem = document.getElementById(someId);
    someElem.className = someElem.className == 'hidden' ? '' : 'hidden';

The current issue is that the content of the hidden div is still shown. If I change div.hidden to have display: none; or visibility: hidden;, the "sliding" effect is lost.

I'm looking for a solution without using jQuery.

Answer №1

Ensure to include overflow:hidden within the div element.

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