Transition one background image into another using background positioning

Snippet of code:


<div id="background"></div>


#background {
        background-image: url("");
        background-position: 0 0;
        background-repeat: repeat;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;
        position: fixed;

To achieve a similar effect with a fade and color change using the background-position property, you can refer to these example images (apologies for the poor quality exports):

Is it feasible to accomplish this through jQuery or CSS? I'm struggling to figure out how to manipulate background-position while incorporating multiple images.

Here is my current attempt, which isn't quite right. The gradient appears in the opposite direction, and I'm unsure about replicating the yellow pattern only on the right side along the X axis:

I hope my explanation is clear enough. I haven't been able to find any similar issues discussed elsewhere except for one unanswered query.

Answer №1

To achieve a gradient effect in your designs, utilizing CSS is the way to go. One of the most efficient methods is by using CSS gradient: Check out ColorZilla's gradient editor tool

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