Transition in the background color of a button while the superfish menu gracefully drops down

I am currently using a customized drop down menu created with Superfish. My goal is to incorporate an independent fade-in effect for the drop down menu. The background color should change on mouseover and the drop-down box should fade in gradually.

You can view the menu in action on Fiddle:

I have attempted the following code:

 transition: background 1s;
-webkit-transition: background 1s;
-moz-transition: background 1s;
-o-transition: background 1s;

Thank you and best regards, Danny77.

Answer №1

check out the functionality of this dynamic and easy-to-use submenu: DEMO

$('#menu li').hover(function(){
    var i=$(this).index();
    var submenu=$('.submenu').eq(i);
    var i=$(this).index();
    var submenu=$('.submenu').eq(i);

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