Transforming item design in Flexbox when it wraps

Can styles be applied once an item wraps around?

I have a two-column flexbox layout where the first item is fixed to the left and the second item should be centered in the remaining space. The solution mentioned here involves adding margin: auto to the second item.

// This JavaScript code toggles the container width
document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', () => {
  const flexbox = document.querySelector('#flexbox');
  if ( { = null;
  } else { = '300px';
#flexbox {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  gap: 20px;
  border: 2px solid #397298;

#flexbox>div {
  background: #8bc6e3;
  padding: 20px;

#item2 {
  margin: auto;
<div id="flexbox">
  <div id="item1">Flex item 1 with quite a bit of content</div>
  <div id="item2">Flex item 2</div>

<button style="margin-top: 30px">Toggle shrink container</button>

The question now arises, how can I remove the margin: auto from #item2 when it wraps?
I want it to align to the left side instead of being centered.

Desired Layout:

Not wrapped: Wrapped:

There have been other occasions where I needed to adjust the style of flexbox items when they wrap.
Creating general CSS rules for more complex responsive designs can be challenging. I have experimented with grid layouts, but customizing wrapped items seems to be limited, even though it greatly impacts the page layout and item arrangement.

I am eager for the implementation of container queries as it aims to address this issue, although it is not universally supported by all browsers yet.

Edit: the button is not relevant to the question

The items wrap due to a narrow screen size, not in response to a user action that could be detected by JavaScript.

Answer №1

If you're looking to achieve this using pure CSS, your best option is to utilize media queries. Typically, you'll want to ensure that items wrap when the application is accessed on a phone or other small device. To have more control over the behavior, you can assign a basic width to flex items so you can predict when they will wrap and when they won't.

For example, if you want to display 2 rows of fixed-size content, you can set both items to:

flex: 0 0 50%

This will make each flex item take up 50% of the parent's width. You can then manage the wrapped state with a media query:

@media(max-width 600px) { margin: none; }

It seems that achieving this without JavaScript may be impossible initially. Quoting a user from a Stack Overflow post (link):

In CSS, once the browser renders the page with the initial cascade, it does not reflow the document when an element wraps. Therefore, parent elements are unaware of when their children wrap.

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