Transforming CSS with React Router Links

Why is my CSS being significantly altered by the React Router Link? Is there a way to prevent the Link from affecting the styling?

Without Link:

With Link:

This is the code for the Link. It does not have any style properties.

<Link to={`/link/${}`}>

style={{textDecoration: 'none'}}

Answer №1

For those looking to incorporate React Router Bootstrap into their project, be sure to utilize this Npm package:

import { LinkContainer } from 'react-router-bootstrap'

<LinkContainer to="/foo/bar">

By using this method, your link will function as usual without affecting the styling of your css.

Answer №2

When transforming Link to an <a>, you have the ability to customize the appearance of all links using CSS by adjusting their color to white:

a {
  color: #FFF;
a:hover {
   color: #00F

Alternatively, you can assign a .link class to each instance of Link:

<Link to="/" className="link" />

.link {
  color: #FFF;
.link:hover {
   color: #00F

Answer №3

Surprisingly, when I applied CSS directly to the Link element, it altered the layout. By replicating the image styling within the link, the appearance remained consistent.

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