Transform this text into a unique format: _"text

I am developing a website for a small elementary school, allowing teachers to create new posts for parents of students. I want to keep the webpage design simple and user-friendly, but I'm facing an issue with text formatting. Currently, all written text appears in one block without line breaks. Is there a way to format certain sentences on new lines without using a rich text editor? Keeping it simple is important to me.

Answer №1

When considering your perspective, apply the function simple_format(). This will present all text exactly as it was inputted, including spaces and line breaks.

Here is a sample implementation from one of my applications:

<div id="report-body">
    <%= simple_format(@report.body) %>

Answer №2

To insert a line break in a text area, you can use the characters for line feed and carriage return (&#13;&#10;).

Here's an example:

<textarea>This is the first line. &#13;&#10;</textarea>

If you want to add &#13;&#10; in a text area, you'll need to implement some JavaScript to create a keyboard shortcut.

Answer №3

It's possible that I may not fully grasp your inquiry; it seems to pertain to CSS. To address this issue, consider incorporating the following property:

white-space: pre;

when styling the textarea element in your CSS file. This will ensure that all white spaces, including carriage returns, are displayed as is within the textarea.

Answer №4

Enclose your content within HTML tags for ease of use, and don't forget to include basic CSS to customize the appearance of your webpage.

<p> Here is a paragraph </p>
<h1> This is a heading </h1>

Utilize the <br> tag to create line breaks as needed

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