Customizing Thickness for Tab Labels in MUI 5

I have been trying to adjust the thickness of the label inside a tab using MUI 5, but so far I haven't had success. Here is what I have attempted:

interface TabPanelProps {
    children?: React.ReactNode;
    index: number;
    value: number;

function TabPanel(props: TabPanelProps) {
    const { children, value, index, ...other } = props;

    return (
            hidden={value !== index}
            {value === index && (
                <Box sx={{ p: 3 }}>

function a11yProps(index: number) {
    return {
        id: `simple-tab-${index}`,
        'aria-controls': `simple-tabpanel-${index}`,

export default function UsersGroupsManagement() {
    const [value, setValue] = React.useState(0);
    const handleChange = (event: React.SyntheticEvent, newValue: number) => {

const StyledTab = styled(Tab)<TabProps>(({theme}) => ({
    '& .MuiButtonBase-root-MuiTab-root': {
        fontWeight: 'bold'

const styledLabel = styled('label')({
    color: 'darkslategray',
    backgroundColor: 'aliceblue',
    padding: 8,
    borderRadius: 4,

return (
    <Box sx={styles.userAccounts}>
        <Box sx={styles.tabbox}>
            <Tabs value={value} onChange={handleChange} aria-label="User Management Tabs" >
                <Tab label="ADD NEW USER" {...a11yProps(0)} sx={{
                    '& .MuiButtonBase-root-MuiTab-root': {
                        color: 'black',
                        backgroundColor: 'red',
                        fontWeight: 'bold'
                <Tab label="MANAGE USERS" {...a11yProps(1)} sx={{
                    '& .MuiButtonBase-root-MuiTab-root': {
                        fontWeight: 'bold'
        <TabPanel value={value} index={0}>
                <AddNewUser />
            <TabPanel value={value} index={1}>
                Item Two

Despite my attempts with StyledTab and styled label not working, I also tried applying CSS through sx props without any luck.

Could you provide guidance on how to achieve thicker labeled tabs in Material UI v5?

Answer №1

Here is an example of how you can structure it:

        "& .MuiTabs-indicator": { backgroundColor: "#E86826" },
        "& .MuiTab-root.Mui-selected": { color: "#E86826", fontWeight:"700" },
      aria-label="nav tabs example"

You just need to customize the tabs and your work will be completed. Hope this helps!

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