Transform Default Buttons to Resemble Normal Buttons

I currently have a JavaFX button that is set as the Default Button, allowing users to select it with the Enter key. The button has a blue background:

However, I would like to change its appearance to that of a normal button:

After reviewing the JavaFX CSS Guide, it seems there is only one feature that can be overridden (-fx-base).

Adjusting this feature sometimes causes unexpected results - it may remove the button's gradient or make it transparent.

Is there an easy way to simply remove the styling of the Default Button?

Answer №1

It seems like the problem may lie in searching the incorrect style sheet. The previous default style sheet, caspian.css, has now been replaced by modena.css. Therefore, to resolve the issue, you should set the default value for -fx-base from modena.css:

.button:default {
    -fx-base: #ececec;

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